Yup when multiple conditions

I apologize, but as an AI text-based model, I am unable to format my responses using HTML or provide examples with detailed explanations within a `

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When dealing with multiple conditions, there are several programming concepts that can be used, such as conditional statements and logical operators.

One common way to handle multiple conditions is by using the `if-else` statement. This statement allows you to execute different blocks of code based on different conditions. Here’s an example:

let number = 10;

if (number > 10) {
// Code block executed if the condition is true
console.log(“The number is greater than 10”);
} else if (number < 10) { // Code block executed if the previous condition is false and this one is true console.log("The number is less than 10"); } else { // Code block executed if none of the previous conditions are true console.log("The number is equal to 10"); } ``` In this example, the code checks if the `number` variable is greater than, less than, or equal to 10, and executes the corresponding code block. Another way to handle multiple conditions is by using logical operators, such as `&&` (AND), `||` (OR), and `!` (NOT). These operators allow you to combine conditions and create more complex expressions. Here's an example: ```javascript let age = 25; let hasLicense = true; if (age >= 18 && hasLicense) {
// Code block executed if both conditions are true
console.log(“You can drive”);
} else {
// Code block executed if any of the conditions are false
console.log(“You cannot drive”);

In this example, the code checks if the `age` variable is greater than or equal to 18 AND if the `hasLicense` variable is true, and executes the corresponding code block.

By using conditional statements and logical operators effectively, you can handle multiple conditions and execute different code paths based on those conditions.

Please note that the example code provided is in JavaScript, but you can apply similar concepts in other programming languages as well.

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