Your serialized closure might have been modified or it’s unsafe to be unserialized.

The error message “your serialized closure might have been modified or it’s unsafe to be unserialized” typically occurs when trying to unserialize a closure that has been modified or is considered unsafe. In PHP, closures are special objects that encapsulate a scope and allow for the execution of code from that scope at a later time.

When a closure is serialized, it is converted into a string representation that can be stored or transmitted. However, when you attempt to unserialize a closure, PHP checks if the closure has been modified or if it is considered unsafe to execute. If either of these conditions is true, you will encounter the mentioned error.

To understand this better, let’s consider an example:

      $closure = function() {
        echo "Hello, world!";

      $serializedClosure = serialize($closure);
      $unserializedClosure = unserialize($serializedClosure);

In this example, we define a simple closure that echoes “Hello, world!” when executed. We then serialize the closure into a string representation using the `serialize()` function. However, if we try to unserialize the closure and execute it (`$unserializedClosure()`), we will encounter the error because closures are not safe to unserialize by default.

To solve this issue, you have a few options:

  1. Change the way you store or transmit closures: Closures are not meant to be serialized and unserialized in a typical way. Instead, you should consider alternative methods for storing or transmitting the required code or data. For example, using regular functions or class methods may be a safer and more appropriate approach.
  2. Use a library or package that provides safe closure serialization: Some third-party libraries or packages, like the Opis Closure library (, allow for safe serialization and unserialization of closures. These libraries provide additional security measures to prevent potential vulnerabilities when dealing with closures.
  3. Rethink your code structure: If you frequently encounter situations where you need to serialize and unserialize closures, it may be worth considering if there’s a better way to structure your code to avoid this need. For example, refactoring your code to reduce dependencies on closures or using alternative design patterns could help mitigate potential issues.

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