Write a script that deletes all the regular files (not the directories) with a .js extension that are present in the current directory and all its subfolders.


The given script is written in Node.js, using the File System module to perform file operations.


1. Importing the file system module:
const fs = require(‘fs’);
The `fs` module provides a way to interact with the file system of your computer.

2. Function to delete regular files with a .js extension:
function deleteJSFiles(directory) {
fs.readdir(directory, (err, files) => {
if (err) throw err;
files.forEach(file => {
const filePath = `${directory}/${file}`;

fs.stat(filePath, (err, fileStat) => {
if (err) throw err;
if (fileStat.isFile() && file.endsWith(‘.js’)) {
fs.unlink(filePath, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(`Deleted file: ${filePath}`);

fs.stat(filePath, (err, fileStat) => {
if (err) throw err;
if (fileStat.isDirectory()) {
The `deleteJSFiles` function takes the `directory` parameter and performs the following steps:
– It reads the content of the given `directory` using `fs.readdir`. This function takes the directory path and a callback function that receives the `err` (error) and `files` (array of file names) parameters. If an error occurs, we throw the error with `throw err`.
– Next, it loops through each `file` in the `files` array using `forEach`. For each file, we create the `filePath` by appending the file name to the given `directory`.
– We use `fs.stat` to check if `filePath` is a regular file or a directory. This function takes the file path and a callback function that receives the `err` and `fileStat` (file status) parameters. If an error occurs, we throw the error with `throw err`.
– If `fileStat.isFile()` returns `true` and the `file` ends with `.js`, we delete the file using `fs.unlink`. This function takes the file path and a callback function that receives the `err` parameter. If an error occurs, we throw the error with `throw err`. Otherwise, we log a success message to the console.
– If `fileStat.isDirectory()` returns `true`, we make a recursive call to `deleteJSFiles` with the `filePath`. This allows us to delete files in subdirectories as well.

3. Calling the deleteJSFiles function:
We call the `deleteJSFiles` function with the current directory (`’./’`). You can modify this parameter to specify a different directory if needed.


Suppose we have the following file structure in the current directory (`’./’`):

– file1.js (regular file)
– directory1 (directory)
– file2.js (regular file)
– file3.txt (regular file)
– directory2 (directory)
– file4.js (regular file)
– file5.js (regular file)
– file6.txt (regular file)

After running the script, it will delete all the regular `.js` files and output the following to the console:

Deleted file: ./file1.js
Deleted file: ./directory1/file2.js
Deleted file: ./directory1/directory2/file4.js
Deleted file: ./directory1/directory2/file5.js

The script successfully deleted the four regular `.js` files in the current directory and its subfolders.

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