Everywhere you refer to self.WeekOne
I think you are meaning to refer to self.weekOne
weekOne is the instance variable. UserProfile instances have no such attributes WeekOne.
Standard Python naming conventions would suggest that you use week_one
as the attribute name. Rewriting checkUpdates for you…
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User)
week_one = models.ForeignKey(WeekOne)
def check_updates(self):
if (self.week_one.squats >= WeekOne.squatBenchmark and
self.week_one.lunges >= WeekOne.lungBenchmark and
self.week_one.stairs_day_count >= WeekOne.stair_days_count_benchmark and
self.week_one.week_one_complete = True
In your view code you are creating a UserProfile object but you are never saving it. You probably don’t want to create a new user profile everytime a request comes in though. Django has some builtin mechanisms for creating a userprofile automatically. Also, you are never creating a WeekOne instance. Something like
profile = UserProfile(user=request.user)
week_one = WeekOne()
profile.week_one = week_one
There you are creating a profile for a user, creating the instance of WeekOne, adding it to the profile, and saving both of them to the database.