One option would be to use the same grid
for both the header and the main part. In other word the display: grid
would be apply to the div.table
element. In order to make div.table__head-el
and div.table__field
cells of this grid div.table__header
, div.table__body
and table__row
must have display: contents
. The rest of the CSS must be adapt as well but HTML and JS stay the same (I’ve added a blank property at the end of tableItems
objects so the length of those items match the length of the header)
new Vue({
el: "#test",
data: {
headers: [
title: '#'
title: 'ID', icon: 'height'
title: 'Номер', icon: 'height'
title: 'Тип', icon: 'height'
title: 'Марка', icon: 'height'
title: 'Логист', icon: 'height'
title: 'Колонна', icon: 'height'
title: 'Трекер', icon: 'height'
title: 'Дата привязки трекера', icon: 'height'
title: 'Дата последних координат', icon: 'height'
title: 'Удалена'
title: 'Дата удаления'
tableItems: [
number: 1,
id: '42537370',
numberCar: 'В855АТ147',
type: 'Тягач',
brand: 'Mercedes-Benz',
logistician: 'Томсон Артём Александрович',
column: 'Андреев Евгений',
tracker: '86793',
dateStart: '29.03.2021 16:42:01',
dateEnd: '07.06.2021 13:49:39',
isDeleted: false,
blank: ''
number: 1,
id: '42537370',
numberCar: 'В855АТ147',
type: 'Тягач',
brand: 'Mercedes-Benz',
logistician: 'Имя Фамилия',
column: 'Андреев',
tracker: '48671111111193',
dateStart: '29.03.2021 16:42:01',
dateEnd: '07.06.2021 13:49:39',
isDeleted: false,
blank: ''
computed: {
methods: {
html {
--border: 1px solid black;
--border-radius: 8px;
.table {
max-width: 100%;
padding: 0 75px;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 60px) repeat(11, minmax(0, auto));
.table__header, .table__body, .table__row {
display: contents;
.table__head-el, .table__field {
padding: 12px 20px;
.table__head-el {
border-top: var(--border);
border-bottom: var(--border);
margin-bottom: 20px;
.table__head-el, .table__field {
display: grid;
place-items: center;
overflow: hidden;
.table__head-el:first-child {
border-left: var(--border);
border-radius: var(--border-radius) 0 0 var(--border-radius);
.table__head-el:last-child {
border-right: var(--border);
border-radius: 0 var(--border-radius) var(--border-radius) 0;
.table__row:first-child > .table__field {
border-top: var(--border);
.table__row:last-child > .table__field {
border-bottom: var(--border);
.table__field:first-child {
border-left: var(--border);
.table__field:last-child {
border-right: var(--border);
.table__row:first-child > .table__field:first-child {
border-top-left-radius: var(--border-radius);
.table__row:first-child > .table__field:last-child {
border-top-right-radius: var(--border-radius);
.table__row:last-child > .table__field:first-child {
border-bottom-left-radius: var(--border-radius);
.table__row:last-child > .table__field:last-child {
border-bottom-right-radius: var(--border-radius);
.table__row:hover > .table__field {
color: red;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="test">
<div class="table">
<div class="table__header">
<div v-for="(item,index) in headers" :key="index" class="table__head-el">
{{ item.title }}
<div class="table__body">
<div v-for="(el, indexx) in tableItems" :key="indexx" class="table__row">
<span v-for="(elem, indexxx) in el" :key="indexxx" class="table__field">