Why won't this html page run, Devexpress documentation ChartJS


You missed а closing bracket of your jQuery ready function. It is also not needed to place your internal script to the bottom of the body, as jQuery ready functions is used

So, here is the working script

<script type="text/javascript">
    var chartDataSource = [ ... some data ... ];
    $(function () {
            dataSource: chartDataSource,
            commonSeriesSettings: {
                argumentField: 'year'
            series: [{ name: 'Oceania', valueField: 'Oceania' }, 
                { name: 'Africa', valueField: 'Africa' },
                { name: 'Americas', valueField: 'Americas' },
                { name: 'Asia', valueField: 'Asia' },
                { name: 'Europe', valueField: 'Europe' }]
<div id="chartContainer" style="max-width:700px;height: 300px;"></div>

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