[Vuejs]-Why doesn't my nuxt static site serve the static html files found in the Dist folder?


It seems as though after hosting the project on Vercel the static behavior works accordingly. When testing the website locally (nuxt start) the content isn’t pre loaded into the page source it continues to act as a SPA on dynamic routes. However after deploying to Vercel the blog content can be found in page source.


As far as I know all pages and components go in one component called Nuxt and I think the "__nuxt" element is that. By the way using asyncData and ‘nuxt generate’ won’t make your app server-side dynamic because ‘nuxt generate’ generates a static site and while using ‘nuxt generate’ all asyncData hooks will be called once. For the hard coded blog posts I think you should disable Nuxt Crawler in your nuxt.config.js.
Nuxt Docs: The Generate Property #Crawler

export default {
  generate: {
    crawler: false

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