[Answer]-Why does Django use uppercase & W3C tends towards lowercase names for HTTP request methods


HTTP method names are case-sensitive, and all registered method names are all-uppercase.

The lowercase spelling in HTML form attributes essentially is a bug in HTML that is impossible to fix due to backwards compatibility reasons.


Perhaps this is part of the reason : https://stackoverflow.com/a/10766285/781695. Though it doesn’t answer the discrepancy between W3C & RFC 3875

RFC 3875 defines the REQUEST_METHOD variable as upper case, so it’s okay to rely on it.

The REQUEST_METHOD meta-variable MUST be set to the method which
should be used by the script to process the request …

  REQUEST_METHOD   = method
  method           = "GET" | "POST" | "HEAD" | extension-method
  extension-method = "PUT" | "DELETE" | token

The method is case sensitive.


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