If you check the JSON Specs here , you will notice that there is no specification for a JSON to contain methods and it contains only data. When you do stringify
and then parse, you are taking intermediate step as JSON which is causing this.
For a more detailed account on cloning array of objects, please refer this post.
Hope this helps!
You can implement your own deep clone implmentaion of object. Try this code.
function deepcloneObject(obj) {
var clone = {};
for(var i in obj) {
if(obj[i] != null && typeof(obj[i])=="object")
clone[i] = deepcloneObject(obj[i]);
clone[i] = obj[i];
return clone;
the moment you do JSON.stringify, they will try to create a string of your JSON object. when you have method inside, it will try to convert to string also.
So, if you want to have a new instance of object you can use this: http://underscorejs.org/#clone
newObject = _.clone(visitor)
or if you want to be able to create programatically later, you prepare these:
function Visitor(){
return {
text: '',
type: 'buttons',
children: [Child()]
function Child(){
return {
name: 'email',
method: (e) => { this.sendEmail(e) }
Use Object.assign
along with Array.prototype.map
const clonedArray = array.map(a => Object.assign({}, a));