I don’t believe I am supposed to
manually create an “export DJANGO…”
environment variable…
Manually or otherwise, you are supposed to ensure that variable is in the environment before you import a Django models file — not sure what the causes are for your disbelief, but, whatever they may be, that disbelief is ill-founded.
You need to properly import your settings file. If you don’t import the django environment variables first, your import will fail as you’ve noticed. You need to code something like:
import os # Set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable. os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "myproject.settings" #do your stuff
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from command line ran “python manage.py shell” should include the right settings for you and give you the python prompt.
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One alternative to messing about with the environment is to just write your script as a Django custom management command, which takes care of setting up the environment for you (along with other things like option parsing, etc).
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From command line, please execute this command. This may help you:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=projectname.settings
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I had this similar error, and I realized that I forgot to create the file “init.py” in to the app folder:
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