=== v-bind:value="formData" v-on:input="formData = $event.target.value"
. It’s not a magic command that does everything, but a shorter way to write a basic functionality.
To get the behaviour you need, you have to write your own components that take the value and do something with it.
To chain v-model between multiple layers of components, you want to $emit
the new data rather than the default behaviour of changing the components’ state. The easiest way to do this is by using a computed getter/setter. I use the code below to pass through anything from simple values to entire objects to custom input components that handle the binding to different html inputs.
--- ParentTemplate:
<Child v-model="formData"></Child>
-- ChildTemplate:
<input v-model="localValue">
-- ChildScript:
computed: {
localValue: {
get() {
return this.value;
set(localValue) {
this.$emit('input', localValue);
If you need to convert data from an input before it’s sent out (eg formatting), you can use a computed value or method to transform the data before you $emit it in the setter.
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