[Django]-Where can I download the Django documentation?


Django’s documentation is built using Sphinx and included in their source tree.

From a checked-out copy of Django’s source, just run make in the docs directory. You can find instructions for getting the source here: http://www.djangoproject.com/download/


Offline Documentation for Django 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 in various formats:




You can download offline documentation for Django 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 in both PDF and HTML from http://sramana.github.com/dod/.



In the bottom of right sidebar there are links to zipped HTML version, PDF version and ePub version.




“Okay, I just did it manually using sphinx-build. It was a pretty bad experience.”

Hmm. I just tried and it was a pretty smooth experience (and I have never done this before). Here’s the Linux recipe:

  1. “cd” to the directory where your Django 1.2.x download has been extracted (in my case “~/downloads/Django-1.2.1”)
  2. cd docs
  3. make latex PAPER=a4
  4. cd _build/latex
  5. make all-pdf

And the end result is 1000 page tome of Django goodness!


To generate PDF version in Ubuntu, you need to download 700-900 MB of Latex packages.
Even if you are not in a developing country, keeping a local copy of docs is useful. Just in case the Django site is down or when you need to refer to something while traveling.Django docs are written in ReStructuredText (RST) and you need Sphinx tool to generate HTML version

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