[Django]-When receiver has been garbage collected in signal?


Any Python object may be garbage collected once there are no more references to it. For example, after this view runs…

def example_view(request):
    def my_callback(*args, **kwargs):
        print(args, kwargs)
    return HttpResponse('')

… there is no more reference to my_callback, and the function object stored in it can be garbage-collected at any time. You could do

all_my_callbacks = []
def example_view(request):
    def my_callback(*args, **kwargs):
        print(args, kwargs)
    return HttpResponse('')

Now, there is a reference to the callback function object even after the view is rendered; it is in all_my_callbacks. Alternatively, use a strong reference in the signal with weak=False:

def example_view(request):
    def my_callback(*args, **kwargs):
        print(args, kwargs)
    some_signal.connect(my_callback, weak=False)
    return HttpResponse('')

You can and should avoid all of this hassle by using top-level instead of local functions. Almost universally, this is how your code should look like:

def my_callback(*args, **kwargs):
    print(args, kwargs)

def example_view(request):
    return HttpResponse('')

There is always a reference to such a function, so it is never garbage-collected.


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