[Django]-What is your favorite solution for managing database migrations in django?


I’ve been using South, but Migratory looks promising as well.


Migratory looks nice and simple.



If you are using SQLAlchemy as your ORM then the de facto standard is Alembic.

Another alternative that haven’t been mentioned is yoyo-migrations.


We use Django at work, and we’ve been using dmigrations. While it has its quirks, it’s been useful so far. Some features:

  • It uses a table in the database to keep track of which migrations have been applied.
  • Because it knows which ones have been applied, you can migrate up and back down.
  • It integrates with manage.py as a command.
  • The individual migration scripts are Python, but if your migration logic is pure SQL, dmigrations makes it easy to just can the SQL and have it executed.

One problem is that it only currently supports MySQL. However, one of our guys make a local hack to it to support PostgreSQL, which we use. As I recall, the hack wasn’t all that extensive, so it shouldn’t be terribly difficult to hack it up to support other RDBMSs.


I like django-evolution:


  • clean design
  • no SQL needed
  • flexible
  • trivial to install
  • easy to use


  • migrations are not fixed in the codebase
  • a risk exists of accidently running a migration twice


Besides South, dmigrations, django-evolution, and Migratory I thought I would add simplemigrations as another tool I’ve seen for automating Django migrations.

I’ve used three of these in the past but do migrations by hand now. I’m thinking about trying South again due to the latest features added.


Just to note that since 2009, pretty much every project mentioned here other than South is dead. South is the de facto standard, for better or worse.



I’ve been using simple-db-migrate


  • it allows me to rollback the migrations (IDK if other do this too).
  • integrates with manage.py
  • everyone that knows SQL can create a migration
  • it doesn’t run a migration twice: the application writes the migration information(timestamp, query, etc.) on a table


  • if you add a migration with a lower timestamp than the latest migration installed, this migration doesn’t run
  • Only MySQL is supported

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