For simple use cases such as this, there isn’t much difference. However, the ListView
in this example is much cleaner as it can be reduced to:
class QuestionListView(ListView):
model = Question
considering you aren’t putting anything in the context. TemplateView's
as a base view are rather rudimentary, and provide a much smaller set of methods and attributes to work with for the more complex use cases, meaning you have to write more code in such instances. If you take a look and compare both views TemplateView and ListView here, you can see the difference more clearly. Pagination is a good example, to paginate a ListView
you simply set the paginate_by
attribute and modify your template accordingly.
Also note, you can change the default name object_list
by setting context_object_name
in the ‘ListView’
The major difference is that ListView is best to list items from a database called model, while TemplateView is best to render a template with no model. Both views can be very concise with different meaning.
Below is sample of a list view in it simplest form
Class SampleListView(ListView):
model = ModelName
This will give you a context variable object_list and a template name in the form ("app_name/model_name_list.html") automatically that can be used to list all records in the database.
However, the TemplateView in its simplest form is
class SampleTemplateView(TemplateView):
template_name = 'app_name/filename.html'
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