[Django]-What does on_delete=models.PROTECT and on_delete=models.CASCADE do on Django models?



    Cascade deletes. Django emulates the behavior of the
    SQL constraint ON DELETE CASCADE and also deletes the object
    containing the ForeignKey.

    Prevent deletion of the referenced object by raising
    ProtectedError, a subclass of django.db.IntegrityError.

the things get deleted because once you change your model you need to do makemigrations and migrate to see the change.



For on_delete=models.CASCADE:

You have 2 models i.e., Car and Company. You delete the company, you also delete the cars made by that company.

For on_delete=models.PROTECT:

You have 2 models. Car and Company. You delete the company, Django says, Hold up. Can’t do it … So everything remains.

Here’s what you’ll see.enter image description here

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