[Django]-What does error mean? : "Forbidden (Referer checking failed – no Referer.):"



TLDR: Try to use the csrf_exempt decorator for your view:

from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt

def my_webhook(request):
    # Do some stuffs...

    # Return an HHTPResponse as Django expects a response from the view
    return HttpResponse(status=200)

You should only do this when absolutely needed to avoid potential security flaws.

More context:

I faced a similar problem while working on a web-hook called by a third-party which is a payment solution. The Django view for that web-hook is called by the third-party to notify us every time the payment status changes (goes from ‘open’ to ‘paid’ for example).

As the payment platform only provides a payment ID in the request POST, the CSRF check should not be performed. Django allows you to do this through the csrf_exempt decorator.


Upgrading Django might fix the missing Referer error (as it’s sent voluntarily by the client depending on Referrer-Policy).

As of Django 4.0 (release notes), the backend will first check the Origin header before falling back to the Referer header (source):

  1. CsrfViewMiddleware verifies the Origin header, if provided by the browser, against the current host and the CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS setting. This provides protection against cross-subdomain attacks.
  2. In addition, for HTTPS requests, if the Origin header isn’t provided, CsrfViewMiddleware performs strict referer checking. This means that even if a subdomain can set or modify cookies on your domain, it can’t force a user to post to your application since that request won’t come from your own exact domain.

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