[Vuejs]-What do the method arguments mean when creating a calendar in Vuetify?


Event handling in Vue

When the value of the v-on directive (@ for shorthand) is a function name, the template compiler converts it into a function call that includes the event argument.

For example, this markup:

<CustomButton @submit="upload">Submit</CustomButton>

…is equivalent to:

<CustomButton @submit="(e) => upload(e)">Submit</CustomButton>

The event argument (e) is the data the CustomButton passed when emitting the submit event. Assume CustomButton‘s doSomething() is called here:

// CustomButton.vue
export default {
  methods: {
    doSomething() {
      const eventData = { name: 'product 1', quantity: 100 }
      this.$emit('submit', eventData) 

Notice the type of event argument is:

  name: string,
  quantity: number,

Given the @submit handling setup above, the parent would recieve the submit event, and call upload() with that event argument:

// Parent.vue
export default {
  methods: {
    upload(eventData) {
      console.log({ name: eventData.name, quantity: eventData.quantity })

With object destructuring in the argument list, that code can be rewritten as this:

// Parent.vue
export default {
  methods: {
    upload({ name, quantity }) {
      console.log({ name, quantity })

And that’s the pattern you’re seeing in the sample code.


The Vuetify API docs for each component list all events and their arguments (v-calendar‘s API / events).

Given the event arguments below, it makes sense to see the following method signatures…


Event argument for mousedown:event:

  event: any,
  timed: boolean,

Method signature:

export default {
  methods: {
    startDrag({ event, timed }) {⋯}


Event argument for click:event:

  event: any,
  nativeEvent: MouseEvent | TouchEvent

Method signature:

export default {
  methods: {
    showEvent({ event, nativeEvent }) {⋯}


Event argument for change:

  start: {⋯},
  end: {⋯}

Method signature:

export default {
  methods: {
    updateRange({ start, end }) {⋯}

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