Wds disconnected angular

When working with an Angular application, sometimes you may encounter the “wds disconnected” error. This error message typically indicates that the webpack development server (WDS) is not connected or has been disconnected.

The webpack development server is responsible for compiling and serving the application during development. It allows for hot module replacement and automates the build process.

There can be several reasons why you might be experiencing the “wds disconnected” error. Below are a few possible causes and their solutions:

  1. Port Conflict:
    The webpack development server requires a specific port to run. If that port is already in use by another process, you may encounter the “wds disconnected” error. To resolve this, you can either stop the conflicting process or specify a different port for the webpack development server to use.


    <ng serve --port 4201>
  2. Firewall or Proxy:
    In some cases, a firewall or proxy might block the communication between your Angular application and the webpack development server, leading to the “wds disconnected” error. Make sure that the necessary ports are open and the required network configurations are in place.
  3. Webpack Configuration:
    If the webpack configuration of your Angular application is incorrect or misconfigured, it can result in the “wds disconnected” error. Double-check your webpack configuration files, such as webpack.config.js or angular.json, to ensure they are correctly set up.
  4. Version Mismatch:
    Sometimes, the version incompatibility between the Angular CLI, webpack, and other related dependencies can cause the “wds disconnected” error. To fix this, make sure you are using compatible versions for all dependencies and consider updating them if needed.

By addressing these potential causes, you should be able to resolve the “wds disconnected” error and regain a proper connection to the webpack development server.

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