[Django]-WARNING Not Found: /favicon.ico in Django



Most browsers look for the existence of an file called favicon.ico at the root path of your website domain, this controls the icon for the website you can see in your bookmarks folder or the address bar of your browser.

If you don’t have one, then it’s valid that it would return a Not Found error.

πŸ‘€Russ Clarke


When you deploy to something like Apache, you will have to alias your favicon in a config file. However, while running Django in development mode, the following works


from django.views.generic import RedirectView
from django.conf.urls import url




Almost all Browsers usually look for the existence of a file called favicon.ico at the root path of the website domain, this controls the icon for the website that we can see in the tabs, bookmarks folder or the address bar of the browser.

When the browser searches for favicon.ico and does not find the same, then it is valid that it would return a Not Found error.

django.contrib.staticfiles.storage provides staticfiles_storage, which is an instance of your project’s configured static file storage. Storages have a URL method that β€œ[r]eturns an absolute URL where the file’s contents can be accessed directly by a Web browser.”, which is exactly what the {% static %} tag uses.

So {% static 'favicon.ico' %} in a template is essentially equivalent to staticfiles_storage.url('favicon.ico') in Python. We can add <link rel="icon" href="{% static 'base/icons/favicon.ico' %}"> under <head> tag to the base.html of django.

When we get such error in other domains with error code 404, the link for favicon can be added under <head> section we can add <link> as follows:

<link rel="icon" href="static/projectname/favicon.ico">


<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="base/icons/favicon.png"/>

Do not forget to add the required location of the icon file favicon.ico, the issue will be resolved.

The favicon.ico could be the logo of the company or anything the website is based upon.


  • I was facing same problem favicon.ico not found.

  • I converted my image file to favicon.ico from https://favicon.io/favicon-converter/.

  • After downloading the zip file, then created new folder by name favicon and copy all the file inside zip or you can extract to favicon folder.

  • After that I simply copied the favicon folder and pasted inside the static folder.

  • I update this line of code in urls.py file, the folder in which our settings.py file exist.

     from django.urls import path
     from . import views
     from django.contrib.staticfiles.storage import staticfiles_storage
     from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView
     urlpatterns = [    
          path('favicon.ico', RedirectView.as_view(url=staticfiles_storage.url('favicon/favicon.ico')))
  • Probably my error get solved.

  • Hope this will help you!



Your browser is looking for a favicon that it can display in the Location Bar. Either give it one, or ignore the warning.


You can serve static files by sending the static_path setting
as a keyword argument. We will serve those files from the
/static/ URI (this is configurable with the
static_url_prefix setting), and we will serve /favicon.ico
and /robots.txt from the same directory. A custom subclass of
StaticFileHandler can be specified with the
static_handler_class setting.



An easy way to do it is to create an alias in your apache conf file:

<VirtualHost *:443>
    Alias /favicon.ico /path/to/your/favicon.ico


I was building a web api and ran into this as well. As it was just a demo project, I threw a dummy response at the browser to make the error go away. In the main urls.py, I added my little fake view above it. Obviously, in production, you would just keep that icon in the static root, the location of which you set in the server config file.

from django.http import HttpResponse

def okay(request):
    return HttpResponse('pretend-binary-data-here', content_type='image/jpeg')

urlpatterns = [
    path('favicon.ico', okay),
πŸ‘€Ryan Dines


If you just want to remove the warning without setting your own favicon, add <link rel="icon" ...> to <head></head> in base.html as shown below. *The answer explains <link rel="icon" ...> below and my answer explains how to set favicon for Django and my answer explains how to set favicon for Django Admin:

{# "base.html" #}

<link rel="icon" href="data:,"> {# Here #}

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