[Django]-Wagtail: How do I use RichTextField for string representation of a model?


There is no built-in way to safely escape html. From the docs

Deprecated since version 1.8:
removetags cannot guarantee HTML safe output and has been deprecated due to security concerns. Consider using bleach instead.

Bleach is an html sanitizing library from Mozilla. It may make the most sense to create a method on your snippet class that returns a bleached string, removing all tags.

In addition, you can use the built-in template tags truncatewords, truncatechars, etc to limit how many characters/words are shown upon template rendering.


As suggested in a comment by @Ian Price, if you can trust the content you’re working on, a regex works fine. For example:

import re


def __str__(self):
    remove_tags = re.compile('<.*?>')
    return re.sub(remove_tags, '', self.body)

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