[Vuejs]-Vuex store update but DOM is not



Wow, the answer surprises me. Its basically that if you have an array of objects in your Vuex store, you should NOT use getters / setters if you ALSO are stepping over that array in a v-for instead you can just get / set the values directly.

For example. If you do this:

  v-for="(cred, index) in myVuexStoreArrayOfObjects"

Then you should do this for your v-model


So that finally you can remove an object from that array and maintain your reactivity. Like so:

removeObjectFromMyVuexStoreArray(index) {
  this.myVuexStoreArrayOfObjects.splice(index, 1)

And there is no need to get/set. In fact if you get/set you will NOT be able to remove an item and remain reactive.



You should dispatch an action that remove that item :

   sellerId: {
      get() {
        return this.returnAmazonCredentials.merchant_id
      set(value) {

store :

  mutations: {
    REMOVE_CREDENTIAL (state,index) {
      state.amazonCredentials.splice(index, 1)
  actions: {
    removeCredential(context,index) {

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