From what I understand from your question, if your component is only an input field, you can use v-model
to pass props.
v-model is essentially syntax sugar for updating data on user input events.
<input v-model="something">
is just syntactic sugar for:
<input v-bind:value="something" v-on:input="something = $event.target.value">
You can pass a prop
: value
in the child components, and on change of input field call following which will change the filter.name
this.$emit('input', newVal)
This is how you will use your component:
<your-component v-model="filter.name"></your-component>
You can have a look at one implementation using this approach here.
- [Vuejs]-Vuejs Ajax call aways fires error function
- [Vuejs]-Vue template with v-if base on ajax result