I tried useInfiniteScroll
composable with Vue 3 and it seems working as expected.
Stackblitz demo here (working only in chrome browser due to cors issue)
<script setup>
import { computed, ref } from 'vue'
import { useInfiniteScroll } from '@vueuse/core'
import ShowImage from '@/components/ShowImage.vue'
import { loadMore } from './urls'
const el = ref(null)
const count = computed(() => thumbnails.value.length)
const thumbnails = ref([])
useInfiniteScroll(el, loadData, { distance: 10 })
async function loadData() {
const moreData = await loadMore(3, count.value)
thumbnails.value = thumbnails.value.concat(moreData)
<div ref="el" class="my-container">
<ShowImage v-for="url in thumbnails" :url="url"></ShowImage>
count: {{ count }}
<style scoped>
.my-container {
border: 1px solid gray;
overflow-y: scroll;
margin-top: 10px;
padding: 10px;
height: 700px;
Note that container is made scrollable with height 700px and initial 3 images overflow vertically so that you can scroll down.
When distance between container bottom and last image’s bottom became smaller than given 10
, the composable successfully runs loadData
callback to get more urls that will be appended, etc.