[Vuejs]-Vuetify / Vue (2) data table not sorting / paginating upon new bound prop



  1. When your component mounts, you need to fetch the total number of items available on the server and the first page of data, and set these as :items and :server-items-length. The latter will (as you observed) disable paging and sorting, as your server will take care of it, and it is used to calculate the total number of pages given a selected page size.
  2. Now you need to know when to reload data. For this, you either bind options to the v-data-table with two-way binding (.sync) and set a watcher on it, or you listen to the update:options event. And whenever options change, you fetch the selected data from the server.

That’s basically all it takes.

In your template:

           @update:options="options => loadPage(options)"

In your component:

methods: {
  async loadPage(options){
    this.items = [] // if you want to show DataTable's loading-text
    this.items = await fetch('yourUrl' + new URLSearchParams({
      // build url params from the options object
      offset: (options.page - 1) * options.itemsPerPage,
      limit: options.itemsPerPage,
      orderBy: options.sortBy.map((sb,ix) => [sb, options.sortDesc[ix] ? 'desc' : 'asc'])

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