[Vuejs]-Vuetify radio button checked with value in edit form



I found a solution that works for my case

I had to change the v-model on the v-radio-group and set it to a prop like this

<v-radio-group v-model="radioGroup" row class="ml-3">
    <v-radio label="DIRECTO" value="direct"></v-radio>
    <v-radio label="CONTINGENCIA" value="contingency"></v-radio>

on Data

    radioGroup: 'direct',

And because the edit modal is activated by a button I set the values like this

    icon: "mdi-pencil",
    description: "Editar",
    action: (params) => {
                this.modeEdit = true;
                this.dialogAddEdit = true;
                this.dataItem = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params[0]));
                if (this.dataItem.type_contract === "DIRECTO") {
                   this.radioGroup = 'direct';
                } else{
                   this.radioGroup = 'contingency';

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