The drawer
data key is looking for a boolean, if it’s truthy the navigation drawer will show. So, you can add @click="drawer = false"
to your menu links, and it will close the draw when any link is clicked.
Example in the docs: https://vuetifyjs.com/components/navigation-drawers#example-6
I handled this by making the drawer in my app a child of the route that uses it. The isOpen property is managed in the parent. I pass isOpen as a prop to the drawer and emit open and close events as appropriate.
Oh, I also found that timeouts are necessary to ensure the open / close animations work correctly. Someone please let me know if you found a better way to handle animations as this feels a little wonky.
I handle a few other things, like right/left justify and a return route, but ignore the noise if it isn’t helpful.
Here’s a parent loading the component
@close="drawerIsOpen = false"
@open="drawerIsOpen = true"
// ...
Here are the methods from within the drawer component:
data() {
return {
closeDelay: 500,
width: 0,
methods: {
closeBtnClick() {
setTimeout(() => { this.$router.push(this.returnRoute); }, this.closeDelay);
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => { this.$emit('open'); }, this.closeDelay);