Put your Alist select and Blist select in a child component so you don’t have to deal with array index. If you want the value of Blist in parent component, just emit it.
Something like:
Child Component
<v-select style="width: 250px" :items="Alist" label="Purchase Order" @change="updateBlist"></v-select>
<v-select style="width: 250px" :items="Blist" label="Group Tasks"></v-select>
export default {
data() {
Blist: [],
Alist: [],
methods: {
updateBlist(value) {
// Get Group Task List
.get("/api/Blist/list/" + value)
.then((resp) => {
this.Blist = resp.data.data.map(value=>({
text: value.name,
value: value.uuid,
Parent Component
<tr v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index">
<ChildComponent />