I think that you should use vue-resource. (Two reasons: no jQuery, designed for vue).
In my application, I also use vuex which you don’t need I guess however the vue-resource would look like this.
in bootstrap.js required by app.js (alternative for main.js) I have:
window.Vue = require('vue')
point: require of vue-resource adds http
into Vue
(js is so random)
Vue.http.options.root = '//localhost:8000/api/v1'
Then in api/devices.js there is:
export function getDevices() {
Vue.http.get('devices').then(response => {
}, response => {
*Keep an eye on the url slashes because vue-resource will use the root only when you don’t write slash before the relative one and also not after root.
Finally in app.js (main.js) there will be something like that:
import http from 'vue'
import * as api from 'api/devices'
Vue.config.devtools = true
Vue.config.silent = false
new Vue({
el: '#app',
created() {
In child components you would access api as this.$api
Maybe I wrote something wrong. This is just an example of how it works. I am not a vue pro …yet 😀 Good luck. Btw, if you decide for vue-resource, check their examples coz I’ve shown you only the console.logs
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