You can wrap your component when testing and override created function.
In your component you need to return the promise in created
and populate
created() {
return this.populate();
populate() {
return new FooRepository().get().then((data: Foo) => {
this.isLoading = false;
this.fooData = data;
In your test:
it("retrieves data", (done) => {
let createdResult;
const MyComponentTest = Object.assign({}, MyComponent, {
created() {
const res = MyComponent.created.call(this);
createdResult = res;
return res;
const comp = mount(MyComponentText);
const response = { Title: "Hello, world" };
fetch.get("/api/called/from/repo", response);
createdResult.then(() => {
Vue.nextTick(() => {
expect(comp.html()).toContain("Hello, world");