[Vuejs]-Vuejs : "template or render function not defined" of a single-file-component


Ah OK, if you’re using the build without the template compiler, you cannot use the template property. What you need to do instead is mount your base component (the one with router-view in it) to your main view instance using a render function:

import App from './components/App.vue'

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  render: h => h(App) // This mounts the base component (App.vue) on to `#app`

Remember that your base component should also be a .vue file.

I wrote a fairly detailed answer on setting up a Vue SPA the other day which might help you out: vue-router how to persist navbar?


Okay I finally solved the problem.

In https://forum.vuejs.org/t/vue-loader-with-webpack-not-supporting-commonjs-require/15014/4, Linus Borg says that with vue-loader doesn’t normalise exports.

let docsData = {};

function importAllDocs (r) {
  r.keys().forEach(function (key) {
    docsData[key.replace(/^\.\/(.+)\.vue$/, '$1')] = r(key).default;

importAllDocs(require.context('../assets/docs', true, /\.vue$/));

Access r(key).default instead of r(key) solved the problem.

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