[Vuejs]-Vuejs props Avoid mutating a prop directly



v-on:click="selectedPost = post" is the culprit; selectedPost is a prop here and you cannot assign to a prop.

There are two different solutions depending on what you want:

  1. Make selectedPost a local data property instead of a prop. You can then modify selectedPost but since it is no longer a prop, you cannot accept selectedPost from the parent anymore (but you’re not really doing that anyway).
data() {
  return {
    selectedPost: null
  1. Instead of modifying selectedPost directly, you should emit an event which the parent can handle to update its data. The convention is to emit an event named like update:selectedPost which will make it work with the .sync modifier.

Change the click handler to:

@click="$emit('update:selectedPost', post)"

Then in the parent, update as follows:

  @update:selectedPost="selectedPost = $event"

Or you can use .sync to make the above a bit simpler (it does the same thing):


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