[Vuejs]-VueJS: Display filtered array list


You should only have 1 computed object. This can have multiple computed properties inside:

computed: {
  deceasedAuthors() {return ...},
  livingAuthors() {return ...},

These can be shortened to this:

  computed: {
    alive() {
      return this.authors.filter(author => !author.deceased)
    deceased() {
      return this.authors.filter(author => author.deceased)

You can get the number of objects in an array using .length:


Here is a fully working example: Vue SFC Playground

    <li v-for="(author, key) in alive" :key="key">
        {{author.name}} - {{author.birthYear}}
    <li>Total: {{alive.length}}</li>
    <li v-for="(author, key) in deceased" :key="key">
        {{author.name}} - {{author.birthYear}}
    <li>Total: {{deceased.length}}</li>

import { defineComponent } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
  computed: {
    alive() {
      return this.authors.filter(author => !author.deceased)
    deceased() {
      return this.authors.filter(author => author.deceased)
    return {
       authors: [
            name: 'Edgar Allan Poe',
            birthYear: 1809,
            deceased: true
            name: 'Dr. Seuss',
            birthYear: 1896,
            deceased: true
            name: 'Margaret Atwood',
            birthYear: 1939,
            deceased: false
            name: 'Robert Frost',
            birthYear: 1874,
            deceased: true
            name: "Alice Walker",
            birthYear: 1944,
            deceased: false,
            name: "J.K. Rowling",
            birthYear: 1965,
            deceased: false,
            name: "Jonathan Swift",
            birthYear: 1745,
            deceased: true,
            name: "George R.R. Martin",
            birthYear: 1948,
            deceased: false,
            name: "Jane Austen",
            birthYear: 1817,
            deceased: true,
            name: "Stephen King",
            birthYear: 1809,
            deceased: false,

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