[Vuejs]-VueJS disable sorting when user enters data


You can make use of the .lazy modifier.
In order to work properly, you will also need to add a unique key to each row.

Updated grid data with keys:

gridData: [
    { id: 1234 , name: 'Chuck Norris', power: Infinity },
    { id: 2345, name: 'Bruce Lee', power: 9000 },
    { id: 3456, name: 'Jackie Chan', power: 7000 },
    { id: 4567, name: 'Jet Li', power: 8000 }

See updated fiddle here


You could use the .lazy model modifier to only update the value (and therefore the sorting) after the input looses focus.

In your code from the fiddle that would look like:

<input type="text" v-model.lazy="entry[key]" />

See the Vue documentation here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/forms.html#lazy

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