It’s unclear whether v-if
is related to the parent or the child. You can use a template to resolve this issue:
<template v-for="(item, index) in data">
<div v-if="item.state === 'rejected'" :key="item.id">
<!-- data card body (including buttons) -->
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As the comment to your question says I can’t understand either your computation without seeing the 2 proposed templates.
Nevertheless, this is my personal preference when facing this kind of lists.
Have the data as an object. This way finding the value will be O(1). and will increase readability. Also have the array as a computed property.
export default {
name: 'list',
data: () => ({
data: {
'id1': {id: 'id1', state: 'pending'},
'id2': {id: 'id2', state: 'allowed'},
'id3': {id: 'id3', state: 'rejected'},
computed: {
dataList() {
return Object.values(this.data)
pendingData() {
return this.dataList.filter(x => x.state === 'pending')
allowedData() {
return this.dataList.filter(x => x.state === 'allowed')
rejectedData() {
return this.dataList.filter(x => x.state === 'rejected')
methods: {
setState(id, state) {
this.$axios.post(`/api/${id}`, {state})
.then(res => {
Object.assign(this.data[id], res.data);
.catch(err => {
this.$notify(err, 'danger')
Then you just use in the template like so:
<div v-for="item of pendingData" :key="item.id">
<!-- data card body (including buttons) -->
<div v-for="item of allowedData" :key="item.id">
<!-- data card body (including buttons) -->
<div v-for="item of rejectedData" :key="item.id">
<!-- data card body (including buttons) -->
NOTE: Code changed after author’s comment to my response. so this way you avoid v-if because you are already iterating over different lists.
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