There is too much refactoring that needs to be done to code which can’t be explained here. So here is the working fiddle
I’ll just point out the key changes:
You are adding and subtracting votes on the component but you are getting data via props , so you should update the parent by emitting an event. Useful links: custom events, props are one-way
You can use a computed property to calculate total votes in the parent ass now upvotes and downvotes are making changes to main data present in parent
pass the total votes from parent to child component as props to calculate percentage votes
Vue.component('post', { template: "#post-template", props: ['post', 'total'], data: function () { return { upvoted: false, downvoted: false, }; }, computed:{ percentVotes(){ return (this.post.votes/this.total * 100).toFixed(2) } }, methods: { upvote: function () { if(!this.upvoted){ this.upvoted = true; this.downvoted = false; this.$emit('upvoted'); } }, downvote: function () { if(!this.downvoted){ this.downvoted = true; this.upvoted = false; this.$emit('downvoted'); } } } }); var vm = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { posts: [{ title: "A post for our reddit demo starting at 15 votes", votes: 15 }, { title: "Try out the upvoting, it works, I promise", votes: 53 }, { title: "coligo is the bomb!", votes: 10 }] }, methods: { upvoted(post){ post.votes = post.votes +1; }, downvoted(post){ post.votes = post.votes - 1; } }, computed:{ totalVotes(){ var postVotes = this.posts.map((post) => { return post.votes; }); var getTotal = function (total, num) { return total + num; } return postVotes.reduce(getTotal); } } });