I figured out, the each grid-swim-lane component’s this.$.uid
value is not sequential, but in sequence even and odd 🙂
So i use this value to determine the ‘even’ and ‘odd’ css-class:
<!-- ------------------ BEGIN LEFT SIDE BAR ------------------ -->
<!-- ------------------ BEGIN RELEASES ------------------- -->
import GridSwimLaneInfo from "./GridSwimLaneInfo";
import GridSwimLaneReleases from "./GridSwimLaneReleases";
export default {
components: {
GridSwimLaneInfo, GridSwimLaneReleases
props: {
component: { type: Object, default: { id: 0, name: 'no-component'} }
data() {
return {
gridRowEvenOddCount: 0
mounted() {
this.gridRowEvenOddCount = this.$.uid;
<style scoped></style>