[Vuejs]-VueJs 2.0 – When press spacebar add/activate CSS Class



its should be like this

<div @keyup.space="activeClass=true" :class="{'mycls':activeClass}" tabindex="0" >test</div>

and in the data you should have

      //some other data you have

this will add the class mycls to div when spacebar is pressed (on the div)


The below example only works if the div (or any other element you want to add the @keyup) has the focus. If you want to trigger the events globally, it’s worth checking out this package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-global-events.

Once you added the package to your project, you could add this to your template section:

<GlobalEvents @keyup.space="activeClass=!activeClass"/>

to toggle the active class or set it to true alternatively.

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