[Vuejs]-Vue3 Multiple Instances of Composition API Data Store


the following is one of the way to achieve this

/* composable_module.js */

import { ref, computed } from 'vue';

export const shared_var_1 = ref(0);
export const shared_var_2 = ref(0);

export function composable_variables() {
 // will return separate instance of variables for each call
 const var1 = ref(0);
 const comp_var1 = computed(() => var1.value + shared_var_1.value);
 // comp_var1 updates value when either var1 or shared_var_1 value gets updated
 return { var1, comp_var1 };

usage as following

/* component_1.vue */
import { shared_var_1, shared_var_2, composable_variables } from 'composable_module.js';

/* other things needed for component or any file */
setup() {
 const { var1, comp_var1 } = composable_variables();
 Do what you want to do with
 shared_var_1, shared_var_2, var1, comp_var1
 // return whatever you wanted to use in template
 return { shared_var_1, shared_var_2, var1, comp_var1 }

Here shared_var_1, shared_var_2 will act as vuex store values
and var1, comp_var1 will be separate for each function call
so can be used in multiple components as separate variable sharing common functionality but not value.


Within your ‘path’ composable you could define two states, then call the relevant state with something like:

const { getItem1, getItem2, setItem1, setItem2 } = (whichInstance) ? instanceOne : instanceTwo

You just need to define your whichInstance condition to determine which instance you want.

Your composable could be something like:

const stateOne = reactive({
    item1: true,
    item2: 1

const stateTwo = reactive({
    item1: false,
    item2: 2

export function instanceOne() {
    let stateRef = toRefs(stateOne)

    /* Getters */
    const getItem1 = () => {
        return stateRef.item1
    const getItem2 = () => {
        return stateRef.item2

    /* Mutations */
    const setItem1 = (value) => {
        stateRef.item1.value = value
    const setItem2 = (value) => {
        stateRef.item2.value = value

    return {
        state: toRefs(stateOne),

export function instanceTwo() {
    let stateRef = toRefs(stateTwo)

    /* Getters */
    const getItem1 = () => {
        return stateRef.item1
    const getItem2 = () => {
        return stateRef.item2

    /* Mutations */
    const setItem1 = (value) => {
        stateRef.item1.value = value
    const setItem2 = (value) => {
        stateRef.item2.value = value

    return {
        state: toRefs(stateTwo),

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