The problem is this code
reasons: [...data.reasons],
conditions: [...data.conditions],
incidentTypes: [...data.incidentTypes]
Your data returns an array of item, in each item has properties like reason, condition and incidentType. You should create an array base on that items. For example
reasons: data.map(el => el.reason),
conditions: data.map(el => el.condition),
ncidentTypes: data.map(el =>el.incidentType)
I have tried the following in your codepen:
getData() {
// Make use of the selected values: this.reason, this.condition, this.incidentType
// Perform further operations or API calls based on the selected values
const testData = { reasons: ['reason1, reason2'], conditions: ['condition1, condition2'], incidentTypes: ['incidentTypes1, incidentTypes2'] }
// Create a new reactive object using Vue.set or spread operator
this.dropdownData = {
reasons: [...testData.reasons],
conditions: [...testData.conditions],
incidentTypes: [...testData.incidentTypes]
Then, when I click the button for Get Data, it works like a charm.
Can you provide us with the results of console.log('data: ', data);
? It might be an issue with the results you receive from the call.