[Vuejs]-Vue2-google-maps mark-icon size and use of the google object to resize don't work


It most likely occurs since by the time when marker icon is getting initialized Google Maps API is not yet loaded which makes icon initialization to fail for the following properties:

icon: {
    scaledSize:  this.google && new google.maps.Size(28, 28),
    labelOrigin: this.google && new google.maps.Point(16,-10),

You could consider the following options to circumvent this issue:

Option 1

Utilize $gmapApiPromiseLazy mixin from vue-google-maps to guarantee Google Maps API has been loaded, like this:

created() {
   this.$gmapApiPromiseLazy().then(() => {
      this.initialize();  //init once  library has been loaded

Option 2

initialize icon properties via object literals instead of Google API specific objects like this:

icon: {
    url: "https://image.flaticon.com/teams/slug/google.jpg",
    scaledSize: {width: 28, height: 28},
    labelOrigin: {x: 16, y: -10}

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