[Vuejs]-Vue Unit test – child components & i18n



You can mock $t like this:

shallowMount( baseTable, {
  mocks: {
    $t: (msg) => msg

or you can add a global mock to avoid repeated code in every test file:

import VueTestUtils from "@vue/test-utils"

VueTestUtils.config.mocks["$t"] = msg => msg



The first and second errors might just be related to a missing Vue-router dependency in the Vue-test-utils vm, especially if you’re testing a component on its own while Vue-router was imported at the root of your app.

Have you tried importing Vue-router in your test file, before mounting your component?

import VueRouter from 'vue-router'


As for the third error, this is just syntax, wrapper.find() expect a CSS selector, to select your component use wrapper.findComponent(), also shallowMount will stub ALL your child components by default, so you might want to use mount instead:

const wrapper = mount( baseTable, {
  propsData: {
    url: 'users',
    headers: [ null, 'name', 'email', 'role' ],
    fields: fields,
    row: 'Users'
  stubs: ['router-link'],


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