[Vuejs]-Vue – Unable to use variable in template



The problem is that you try to access props variable directly from your template. To solve this, initalize a state variable (under data {}) Within props value as default like you did With picsNeW.
another remark, avoid to use β€œthis” from template, you should access directly datas form its name. Use default value in your props, this is recommended πŸ™‚


The line {{ this.galCode }}{{ photo.filename }} should be {{ galCode }}{{ photo.filename }}. Your problem is the this you added


First you should define Default value as :

  props: {
    name: {
      type: String,
      default: 'default'
    galCode: {
      type: Number,
      default: 0

Second be sure you receive desired data, specially in nested object you should check the object defined to prevent receive undefined property error, like use v-if :

    <template v-if="galCode">{{ galCode }}</template>    // can use v-else here too print default value
    <template v-if="photo.filename"> {{ photo.filename }}</template>


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