[Vuejs]-Vue renders html incorrectly



[Fixed] – Credit goes to Michal Levý

Vue server side rendering (SSR) ‘vue/server-renderer’ Vue-template-compiler does not keep whitespaces in the template by default. Looking at the above Vue playground, this is how it’s being rendered in your case.

The solution what you’re possibly looking for is as follows:

<p style="word-break: break-word; white-space:pre-wrap; inline-size: 300px" v-html="`Lorem     ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
  In congue imperdiet blandit. Proin iaculis tortor quis mauris laoreet, sit amet suscipit velit finibus. Phasellus vitae nunc ex. `"></p>

Just put your text into v-html directive (using backticks), in this case you can be sure that whitespaces will be kept when compiling your template.

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