may be you will get a first hint with the debug option enabled:
logLevel: 'debug'
If you npm run dev in your terminal, you should see a note, that the proxy table is used, while starting the server.
[HPM] Subscribed to http-proxy events: [ 'error', 'close' ]
Later, running your app, you should see the called proxy route, e.g.
[HPM] GET /static/api/returnReasons/returnReasons.php -> http://vuetools:8888
I also run in some problem with using proxy, but this was not due to axios:
webpack proxyTable is not working
Solved by replacing localhost with !
This is a problem CORS. You need a crossdomain request.
Configure your web server:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
Also you can customize the headers directly into the axios, passing them through the parameters:
headers: {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'},
I had a similar problem, but I don’t get result, although the documentation of the axiosis says that this is the right solution.