There is a misunderstanding regarding what match
returns. In case of a match it returns an array, not the matched string. In case of failure it returns null
. More info here.
You can update your code to fix this:
phopepeMatch: function () {
let userAgent = navigator.userAgent
let phonepeMatch = userAgent.match("phonepe-webview")
if (phonepeMatch === null){
return false
else {
this.paymentMothods[2].disabled = false
return true
Use .splice()
methods: {
phopepeMatch: function () {
let userAgent = navigator.userAgent
let phonepeMatch = userAgent.match("phonepe-webview")
if (phonepeMatch === "phonepe-webview"){
// first you need to copy the whole object
let payment_method = this.paymentMothods[2];
// next is to modify the property of the object you want to change
payment_method.disabled = false;
// finally, replace the old one with the new object
this.paymentMothods.splice(2, 1, payment_method);
return true
else {
return false
More information:
In Vue’s documentation, under the Reactivity in depth section, it states:
Vue cannot detect the following changes to an array:
1.) When you directly set an item with the index, e.g. vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue
2.) When you modify the length of the array, e.g. vm.items.length = newLength
However, Vue does provide a way to do it in which Vue’s Reactivity System will be able to detect your changes in an array.
Instead of this:
this.paymentMothods[2].disabled = false
You should do it like this:
let payment_method = this.paymentMothods[2];
payment_method.disabled = false;
this.paymentMothods.splice(2, 1, payment_method);
or like this (using this.$set()):
let payment_method = this.paymentMothods[2];
payment_method.disabled = false;
this.$set(this.paymentMothods, 2, payment_method);