[Vuejs]-Vue material – single selection for md-table using slots



The example on Vue Material – Table / Selection / Single requires vue-material@1.0.0-beta-8 to run.

The pen that opens is using https://unpkg.com/vue-material@beta as dependency (See at Pen Settings -> JavaScript tab).

Currently https://unpkg.com/vue-material@beta resolves to https://unpkg.com/vue-material@1.0.0-beta-7/dist/vue-material.min.js. Shouldn’t take long until it starts to point to beta-8.


Nevertheless, until it updates the version, you should add the dependency https://unpkg.com/vue-material@1.0.0-beta-8/dist/vue-material.min.js yourself:

  • Button Settings
  • JavaScript tab
  • Third URL down below: where it is https://unpkg.com/vue-material@beta make it https://unpkg.com/vue-material@1.0.0-beta-8/dist/vue-material.min.js
  • Profit.

Check an updated pen (where I changed it): https://codepen.io/acdcjunior/pen/yKBvgL

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