[Vuejs]-Vue.js – why is my debounce function not working with arrow function


debounce(function() {...}) is an expression. onKeyUp is assigned to the result of its evaluation. The result of debounce call is debounced function, so is onKeyUp.

I would expect when onKeyUp is triggered, it would run debounce

This isn’t how JavaScript works. Given var foo = 1 + 1, 1 + 1 is eagerly evaluated to 2, not at the time when foo variable is accessed. The only possibility for the code to be lazily evaluated is to wrap it inside a function. This is what happens in case of debounce. The code inside function() {...} is called after a delay when debounced function is called. debounce itself is called when it’s called.

Also, why does it need to be a non-arrow function in the second example

Because this is the only way the function can get component instance as this. Since arrows don’t have their own context, this would refer to outer context with an arrow, which is module context in which the component is defined:

onKeyUp: debounce(() => {...})


onKeyUp: () => {...}

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