The problem with your code is that the "onMounted" hook is called twice.
The first time it is called outside the range function and the second time it is called inside.
To fix this, you need to move the audioRef and isPlaying variables and the onMounted hook that references them out of the interval function.
So the hook is only registered once and the audioRef and isPlaying variables are accessible by both the interval function and the hook.
Here the code:
import { ref, onMounted, computed } from 'vue';
import axios from 'axios';
const setup = () => {
// Define reactive references to store data from API requests
const collection1Data = ref([]);
const collection2Data = ref([]);
const finalData = ref([]);
const latestfinalData = ref([]);
// Function to fetch data from two API endpoints
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
// Use Promise.all to make concurrent API requests
const [collection1Response, collection2Response] = await Promise.all([
// Update the reactive references with API response data
collection1Data.value = collection1Response.data;
collection2Data.value = collection2Response.data;
} catch (error) {
// Log any errors to the console
// Function to combine data from two API endpoints and filter unique values
const combineData = () => {
// Combine data from two API endpoints
finalData.value = [...collection1Data.value, ...collection2Data.value];
// Use Map to store unique data
const uniqueData = new Map();
finalData.value.forEach(doc => {
const existingDoc = uniqueData.get(doc.idshow);
if (existingDoc) {
// If the document with the same idshow exists in the Map, update it with latest data
uniqueData.set(doc.idshow, {
idshow: doc.idshow,
numbershow: existingDoc.updatedAt > doc.updatedAt ? existingDoc.numbershow : doc.numbershow,
ab: existingDoc.updatedAt > doc.updatedAt ? existingDoc.ab : doc.ab,
updatedAt: existingDoc.updatedAt > doc.updatedAt ? existingDoc.updatedAt : doc.updatedAt
} else {
// If the document with the same idshow does not exist in the Map, add it
uniqueData.set(doc.idshow, {
idshow: doc.idshow,
numbershow: doc.numbershow,
ab: doc.ab,
updatedAt: doc.updatedAt
// Convert Map values to an array
finalData.value = [...uniqueData.values()];
// Sort the array by updatedAt in descending order and store only the latest 10 items
latestfinalData.value = finalData.value.sort((a, b) => a.updatedAt > b.updatedAt ? -1 : 1).slice(0, 10);
// Call the fetchData function on component mount
// Use computed to watch for changes to collection1Data and collection2Data and call combineData
computed(() => {
return {
export default {
I took the liberty of making some optimizations to the code