[Vuejs]-Vue JS ternary expression



Don’t use the conditional operator here, just assign showLoading to isLoading, assuming you’re passing a boolean:

this.isLoading = showLoading;

If you’re not necessarily passing a boolean, then cast to boolean first (if needed):

this.isLoading = Boolean(showLoading);

If you had to use the conditional operator, it would be:

this.isLoading = showLoading ? true : false;


fetchData(showLoading) {
 showLoading ? (this.isLoading = true) : (this.isLoading = false)


your ‘showLoading’ data is I guess Boolean and you dont need if else.

this.isLoading = showLoading

and it’s wrong below code will get error

this.isLoading = showLoading ? true : false; 


It looks like you want to force showLoading to be a Boolean so try this

this.isLoading = !!showLoading;


this.showLoading = isLoading ? true : false;

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